It is really the hardest thing to make it for your own.
I am putting all my heart into designing for client of course. But main responsibillity
for choosing and acceptation of my works lies by the client side. I can only make sugestions and try to persuade him to follow my concept but it is still the client who finally decide if it is exactly what he wanted or expected. To be a client for yourself? - Kind of schizofrenia, isn't it?
The tastes are changing. A couple of years ago I was proud of some of my works but now I find them as nothing special, and sometimes even contrary.
Fortunately, my work archives are not immortal - some data are lost, so the time has simplified the choice of presented items.
What do I really want to show?
How can I scan and what can I do with photographies to make them look right?
RGB space - variety of diferent gammas and whitepoints of monitors force you to trust ICM
and calibration.
How good designer am I ?
Sometimes I had to be very flexible in designing. Why? - the answer seems to be simple:
The client is our master and omniscient master is allways very thinskinned. So the only way
to makes him glad is following his ideas, I have a lot of fun trying to fulfill his demandings
and in the end a nice design turns to... Life is brutal, isn't it?
How large projects am I able to run by myself? - Big enough to make you feel bored during going through them all, but it is not my goal...

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